Wonder Dog
This story is absolutely unbelievable. At least a judge finally put an end to it, but how many years have people convicted by such blatantly false evidence had to serve? If these people were convicted by overwhelmingly obvious sham evidence, why weren’t all of the jury verdicts overturned? I’m assuming it was the bulk of the State’s evidence in each of the cases, which I think it is a fair assumption. Tracking over water? Picking up a scent six months later? The officer should be in jail, and the prosecutors should be poster children for why absolute immunity is a bad idea. I don’t know all of the details, and I know I’m making the above statements without investigating the cases and writing in anger. … Read entire article »
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An Unusual Federal Case
I think this is hilarious. It would be pretty funny if he was doing it to protest the government’s use of his tax dollars or some kind of mistreatment he received, but the fact “he did it because he felt he could get away with it” is priceless. Did he even have to go? I can imagine him standing there day after day, urinating in the corner and in his best evil-villain voice saying, “MUAHAHAHAHA, they’ll never catch me!” H/T: Andrew Becke. … Read entire article »
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No Poll
As you can tell, we went ahead and picked a name. We appreciate all the suggestions and comments as well as the logo, but we ultimately decided we should call the blog something that actually describes what it is. We are in Chandler. We practice nothing but criminal defense. We just blog about things we feel are relevant to the practice of criminal law in Arizona. An increase in search relevance isn’t a bad side-effect (people searching for the terms “brown” and “little” probably aren’t looking for a lawyer), and it avoids words that, like “desert” or “justice,” might be cheesy or misrepresent what we do. Now we’ll stick to putting up posts, hopefully more frequently. … Read entire article »
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New Blog Name
It was recently brought to our attention by Scott Greenfield of Simple Justice that calling this blog “Brown & Little, P.L.C.” might be dissuading other blawgs from linking to us. I can see his point: it’s just too promotional. On top of that, it isn’t very creative. Personally, I’m the kind of guy who sees no problem naming a dog “dog” or a goldfish “goldfish,” but I have to admit a name change is probably in order. We will officially change the name soon, but we’d first like to get some input. We keep getting stuck on Scorpion-themed blog names, as we’ve always wanted the kind of dignity and respect animal law firm mascots command. “The Scorpion,” “The Scorpion Kings,” “Scorpion Justice,” and “The Stinger” are … Read entire article »
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Please Vote
Not in the ABA Journal Blawg 100 (which you should have voted in already), but for this. Please read the summaries. Someone’s sad about being called a “little girl?” Pissed that someone is making more money than you? Okay, the cyanide one is funny, but does it really matter if someone at Skadden makes more than you do? Tenths of an hour got you down? Don’t like doing the Dew or upset you lost your cushy job? I can feel for all of those people, but the guy who is “Building His Case” has them all beat. No question. Please vote. Vote early, and vote often. He’s a lawyer, and the bitterness is palpable. Does anyone seriously think any of … Read entire article »
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Nationwide Insanity
In determining whether a sentence is cruel and unusual punishment, courts often look to three factors: (1) the gravity of the offense and the harshness of the penalty, (2) the severity of the penalty as compared to penalties imposed for other criminal acts in the jurisdiction, and (3) the severity of the penalty as compared to penalties imposed for the same crime in other jurisdictions. The first factor is fairly easy to satisfy, as many sentences are disproportionate to the crime. For instance, Arizona’s laws regarding personal possession of child pornography or so-called “dangerous” offenses often result in unbelievable sentences even though the crime may involve no real, identifiable victim. The second factor is also easy to satisfy in most cases. Luckily, every kind of crime doesn’t get enough political … Read entire article »
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Brown & Little, P.L.C. Blog!
We’ve decided to start a blog where we’ll discuss various issues related to the practice of criminal law in Arizona. It seems like we run into some kind of interesting issue almost every day, and it’s our goal to discuss those issues here. Hopefully we’ll each be able to post frequently, so keep checking back! … Read entire article »
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Happy Birthday to Us
June 13th, 2009 | 8 Comments
Exactly one year ago, we started this blog. The goal was to put up one post per week, and to date, there have been 88 posts. Unfortunately, there have only been 96 comments despite the fact hundreds of people subscribe to our feed and we get thousands of hits each month. The new goal is to encourage more comments. Any suggestions on how we do that? … Read entire article »
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