» Entries tagged with "children"

How Important People Think

There aren’t nearly enough Arizona legal blogs, which is the primary reason why I keep the Arizona Appellate Blog in my feed. The constant use of “we” and “our” in posts that are either the product of a depressingly underwhelming group effort or the bizarrely haughty statements of an individual rub me the wrong way. So do somewhat regular comments that seem to indicate its author or authors believe they’re writing to a captivated audience awaiting each post with baited breath. If they are, I can’t imagine who comprises their audience. Regardless, it’s not a worthless blog, as it at least has original content and isn’t just blatantly pimping someone’s services. It’s a sad state of affairs where lawyers writing because they have something to say and not only something to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Courts, lawyers, Uncategorized

We Must Freak Out (For The Children)

Put down whatever you’re doing. Your children are in danger, and it can’t wait. This morning, the Today Show aired a hard-hitting piece that you and your family simply cannot afford to miss. There is a new threat to kids lurking in the last place you’d ever expect: it’s in their little metal water bottles. They may not cause cancer. They may not explode under pressure or have dangerously sharp edges. However, the threat they pose is still all too real. It’s only made worse by the fact the danger lurks in their very design, a simple flaw that has escaped our vigilance up to now. It took the innocence of children to stumble upon it. These vicious devices are firmly grabbing hold of our children’s tongues, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

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