» Entries tagged with "hike"

A Break from Blawging

At the end of the day today, I’ll be a dozen miles into a seven-hundred-something mile hike from Mexico to Utah. I’m sure I’ve spent more time planning to take the time off than I’ll spend hiking. If you’re wondering where I am or what I’m doing (hint: hiking or sleeping), you can track my progress here or here. Depending on your browser and whether the WordPress gods are pleased with me, you may be able to track me on this page: Needless to say, there won’t be much if any posting at Tempe Criminal Defense for about fifty days. I’m probably not going to be very quick about approving comments either, so save your all-caps emails about me violating your First Amendment rights until I’m back. First crazy guy … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

Climbing Hayes Peak in the Sierra Estrellas

NOTE: This post has nothing to do with law. I’m not even going to try to make it relevant to my practice. If you don’t care about how to hike the highest peak in a rugged and desolate mountain range that towers above Phoenix, this probably isn’t going to be very interesting at all. I’ll post something law-related for you soon. The Sierra Estrellas Phoenix is surrounded by mountains, and the Sierra Estrella range has to be one of the most impressive. Many evenings, I get to see the sun set behind them as I drive home from the office. Although I’ve been looking up at the Estrellas every day for years, like many people, I had never ventured into the Sierra Estrella wilderness until very recently. My … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

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