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New Blog Name
It was recently brought to our attention by Scott Greenfield of Simple Justice that calling this blog “Brown & Little, P.L.C.” might be dissuading other blawgs from linking to us. I can see his point: it’s just too promotional. On top of that, it isn’t very creative. Personally, I’m the kind of guy who sees no problem naming a dog “dog” or a goldfish “goldfish,” but I have to admit a name change is probably in order.
We will officially change the name soon, but we’d first like to get some input. We keep getting stuck on Scorpion-themed blog names, as we’ve always wanted the kind of dignity and respect animal law firm mascots command. “The Scorpion,” “The Scorpion Kings,” “Scorpion Justice,” and “The Stinger” are all possibilities, but none of them seems quite appropriate. Neither does the “John A Kesler Report,” as only about ten people would get the joke, only about five of those people would think it’s funny, and I’m not enitrely sure John A Kesler would be okay with it.
Can anyone suggest a good name? Scott mentioned “AZ Crime Guys.” We are also considering “BLinD (Blogging Lawyers in Defense),” “Defense in the Desert,” and “Desert Defense.” If you email us your suggestions or put them in the comments, we’ll pick our favorites and put up a poll to let you decide. Have fun.
Filed under: Uncategorized · Tags: blawg, creative, Marketing, new name, poll, promotional, scorpion
I agree with The Texas Tornado – “justice” struck me as inappropriate. In one sense, yes, we are fighting for “justice”, but not the traditional notion of justice. Justice is for prosecutors. You don’t want to be mistaken for a prosecutor, do you?
Wow, I never thought someone would post an impressive-looking blog logo in the comments. Thanks.
Also, I think my brain works very differently from Mark Bennett’s. I definitely agree that we’re not generally fighting for justice, but I think “The Sting of Justice” can be read in a lot of different ways. When I first saw the name, I thought it was scorpion-related but that it referred to the sting of our so-called justice system, not the stinging justice supposedly dealt out by a law firm with a scorpion-themed blog.
I promise Adrian and I will get everything sorted out in the next day or two.
Oh yeah, and no pics of Adrian in skin-tight snakeskin motorcycle wear. Leathers would be funny, but no need to gross everybody out.
See how much interest there is in your blog, Matt? Now put this to good use ASAP. Decide on a name and write some great posts. Get to work!
The ABCD Blog:
Arizona Boys Criminal Defense Blog
(I assume you’re both men, right?)
Let me weigh in against “justice”. We’re not generally fighting for justice here; we’re fighting for freedom and against someone else’s idea of justice.
I put together a little thing you can have if you like it: http://rickhorowitz.com/test-images/sting-of-justice-v5.gif
I’ve got it as a Photoshop file, so modifications are possible. If you change the number “5” you can go down to “3”. I originally forgot that we were talking Sting of Justice and created some Scorpions of Justice, too, which you can see by changing “sting” to “scorpions” in the URL above.
Finally, if you keep the words “An Arizona Criminal Defense Blog” in there, you’ll probably get the search engine boost you need. When you add a logo where the words are in the image, just make sure you use the words “Arizona Criminal Defense Blog Logo” or something like that to your alt tag.
Ok Gid. Little Brown Defenders!
So many good ideas, and so many good points. “Desert Heat” is so cheesy it’s good. “The Sting of Justice” is everything I could have hoped for (and cheesy too), but “Chandler Criminal Defense” will likely improve my search rankings. What if all the potential clients who call us because of a search-friendly name score more than five? Really, I’m just pretty psyched people actually read the blog.
Please. Nothing cheesy. Anything with desert in it is cheesy.
I like “Desert Heat”.
The Sting of Justice sounds kind of cool. But one of the things I think Scott pointed out, which you really should consider, is the search engine side of things. One of my blogs (which I won’t mention here now, because I’m not here to advertise, but to offer a suggestion) does not include the name of myself, the geographical area in which I practice, or anything else connecting it to me.
After talking to an SEO specialist, I made some minor changes to the underlying code, at least, to draw a tighter connection with the phrases “fresno criminal lawyer” and “fresno criminal defense,” for which I wanted to get some attention.
Interestingly, I found that the domain name I bought which clearly contains the phrases that I want started popping up near the top of the Google rankings almost immediately after I launched a blog there.
The moral of this suggestion is that you might want to make sure when you change your name, you don’t drop that little “An Arizona Criminal Defense Blog” tag that you have running with it. You MIGHT even want to include something with “Arizona” and “criminal” in the blog name, if you can.
Although “Arizona Criminal Scorpions” doesn’t have the ring of “The Sting of Justice.” (You could do a really cool logo with that, too.)
With their Sheriff a defense attorney has to be up long before dawn.
I like “Desert Dawn Defenders.”
If you want the scorpion effect, how about “The Sting of Justice”?
Desert Dawn Defenders.
I like calling a dog “dog” too, but that would be like Matt calling his firm “law firm” instead of Brown & Little, and that might be bit too generic.
Scott is the conscience of the blawgosphere. I like the idea of calling a dog “dog,” or a goldfish “goldfish.” But, I would go with something in the desert theme.
Great. You’re doing some excellent stuff here and it’s time that you got some more attention. Let me know as soon as you’ve settled on your new name.