New Mimesis Blog Posts
I’m still busy writing posts over at Mimesis Law. Here’s everything from the last month or so: Yeah, Kelvin Melton is probably a bad guy, but let’s quit wasting everyone’s time and money on him. Don’t tape your dog’s mouth shut. People will freak out. Major news outlets suck at writing about criminal cases. The state of the criminal justice system in this country is such that making things suck a tad bit less for fifteen defendants in Philly is newsworthy. That one incompetent vigilante at Home Depot apparently didn’t learn anything. Mexican rock throwers occasionally get killed by border patrol agents, and they may or may not be able to sue. People in power continue to be idiots when comes to alcohol. Homeless guy builds sweet home, authorities destroy it. Thanks, Obama! And today’s: The Sheboygan County sheriff is a … Read entire article »
Filed under: Uncategorized
The Border: A Pictorial
With Obama trying his best to turn our country into North Mexico and the steadfast Republicans and their judge in Texas doing all they can to protect our way of life by suddenly pretending to care about the constitution, I thought I’d share some hiking photos and prove to you once and for all that we must secure the border. Somewhere out there, Mexico starts: Somewhere out here too: The mountain in the back is definitely in Mexico: Here it is again: As you can see, Mexico is very different. And scary. That’s probably a little Mexican town at the base. Americans like drugs too much, so it is probably a dangerous town. Police there are probably corrupt too. A cop might stop you a demand $20 on the spot so he and his family can … Read entire article »
Filed under: immigration
The Simpsons Already Did It
I’m about ready to boycott Facebook. I suppose I could marvel at the diversity of my friends’ political views, but it’s mostly just draining. Half of them are stockpiling weapons. The other half are champing at the bit for some sort of action, any action, from legislators. Why they feel the need to share their views in impersonal snippets bound to piss off half of their “friends” is beyond me. Personally, I’ve avoided posting anything about last week’s tragedy because it has seemed far too soon for me to know what lessons I should be taking away from it, if there are any at all. It’s also far easier to make sense of other people’s reactions than it is to make sense of what happened. After I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Government Rants
Homebrew and Hypocrites
Obama is supposedly a big fan of beer. A while back, I read about how he apparently started brewing beer at the White House. Of course, it turned out his staff actually brewed the beer, not him, but it seemed the endeavor was at least partially his doing. I had to give him some credit for that. Today, I saw a link to this page on the White House’s website, so I clicked through. It’s a pun-ridden little blurb from Sam Kass, an assistant chef at the White House, followed by recipes for the White House beers. I’m neither an extract brewer nor a fan of honey beers, so the recipes weren’t all that interesting to me, but the blurb itself caught my attention. Specifically, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Government Rants
The Joy of Mid-April
I’m always in a terrible mood around the 15th of April. It’s the time of year when I get to think about just how much money the state and federal governments take from me and my business. I get to remember that, not only do I get to pay taxes, but I also get to pay people to help me pay taxes. I have to answer questions, make calls, send emails, send faxes, and write checks. It’s a waste of time I could devote to more important things, like my clients. I saw Obama on the television giving a speech yesterday. He was short on details, but his message seemed to be that Americans don’t have to make any sacrifices. We don’t have to cut … Read entire article »
Filed under: Government Rants, Practice in General
Every time I see the news, frustration is the theme. One side is frustrated that America has lost its way on the vague but golden path it started to take in magical, idealized years past. The other is frustrated that most of the country is still living in the past, unwilling to give up a little more freedom to deal with the problems of our evolved, enlightened society. Everyone is frustrated. We each see the problem plain as day and wonder why everyone else can’t do the same. Half of the people beg for economic freedom, freedom from over-regulation and over-taxation. They ask for the government to quit meddling and let them revive the economy with their industry. I can relate to them, but I … Read entire article »
Filed under: Government Rants
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