» Marketing » Dear Avvo:

Dear Avvo:

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne does not work for Brown & Little, P.L.C. When I complained about you guys linking other lawyers’ profiles to our site, you said you fixed it. I thought that would be the end of the problem, but now, Mr. Horne’s Avvo page directs people to our website.

I know that Scott Greenfield made the comment that, “if you’re going to screw up and have links from one attorney go to another, can you at least link Matt’s website to some really good lawyers rather than losers?” If you thought he was serious, I do appreciate that you found us Arizona’s most well-known attorney, a Harvard Law School grad with forty years of experience who has served as a judge, as the state superintendent of schools, and in the state legislature, but your time would have been better spent poking around Simple Justice and reading some of Scott’s posts. He’s a funny guy, and I’m pretty sure his comment here was in jest.

Sadly, the problem doesn’t stop with the incoming link, as we keep getting emails asking us to view Mr. Horne’s profile. The emails also provide a link to claim it. As endless and humorous as the possibilities might be if a couple of defense lawyers claimed the Avvo profile of the chief legal officer of the state of Arizona, Adrian and I have far better things to do with our time. I imagine there might be a few ethical problems with that as well.

Is it too much to just ask you to leave us alone? We haven’t bothered claiming our own profiles, and I’m doubtful Mr. Horne wants us to claim his. Although other lawyers may think Avvo is the bee’s knees, it just isn’t our cup of tea. If you’d stop the emails and remove the links, we’d be thankful. I bet Mr. Horne would be too.


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9 Responses to "Dear Avvo:"

  1. […] written far too much about Avvo already, but they went and did it again. After claiming my profile to […]

  2. Dear Avvo,

    Feel free to send me traffic from any and all sources, even ones Matt Brown doesn’t want. :-)

    Oh, and I could always use more endorsements and good client feedback too :-) :

    Please add here:


    In Liberty,

    — Michael Kielsky
    Counselor & Attorney at Law
    Kielsky Rike PLLC
    Tel.: +1.480.626.5415
    FAX: +1.480.626.5543
    2919 N. 73rd Street
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251
    Email: Michael@KRazLaw.com
    Web: http://www.KRazLaw.com

    Legal Notice & Disclaimer: http://KRazLaw.com/disclaimer

  3. Adrian says:

    Damn, I guess I’ll stop writing the endorsement Tom was about to give me. It’s a shame because he even remembered to include my high school athletic accomplishments and dashing (masculine) good looks.

    1. Andrew (the other one) says:

      Four touchdowns in a single game!

  4. shg says:

    I was only kidding*, Josh. Really. I swear.

    * I was going to say “joshing,” but was afraid you would think I was just joshing and wouldn’t take me seriously when I told you I was only joshing.

    1. Josh King says:

      Damn – and here I thought it was such a good idea. I was going to make a smartass comment about how maybe next time we’d also have the link come from the profile of this Harvard-educated Arizona attorney (http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/85003-az-andrew-thomas-411460.html), but when I went to check it . . . oops.

      In any event, Matt, we have removed your domain from our online search, so there shouldn’t be any new links popping up. There may, however, still be some old ones out there. We can take them down manually when we see them, and I’m checking to see if we can proactively scrub them out of the system.

      1. Matt Brown says:

        Just to confirm, is that an oops because it linked to us or an oops because of the recent, unfortunate demise of his law license?

        1. Josh King says:

          The former. All such links *should* be scrubbed out now, but let me know should one pop up.

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